Single Device View

The Single Device View can be accessed when double-clicking on any device from the Device Listing. The page is displayed within a new tab and is related to the selected device only.

The top bar of the screen provides useful information regarding the device status, this includes the Hostname, the Uptime, the Write Filter State and the Maintenance State.

The table below describes all items available within the top bar and their expected values.

Connected to Hostname of the Device
Uptime Uptime since last bootup
Write Filter =No Write Filter Installed
=Write Filter Installed but not enabled
= Write filter installed and enabled
Maintenance = Device is out of Maintenance Mode
= Device is under Maintenance
Last PulseLast connection from the client to the Management Server
Last Inventory Last time Inventory has been sent to the Management Server

In order to update the Inventory Information, you can press the which request the Client to send new inventory.

Whenever a function is used to execute a command within the Single View, then a Task containing one command - and applied to this device only - will be published on the Management Server.

Details of all available commands and functions are listed in the Commands to Single Device section.