ChipPC - Xcalibur W Wiki

For Server 2.14.x & Agent 2.14.x

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Create the Database


Xcalibur W supports various popular database engines, including

  • Oracle MySQL 5 ©
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 ©
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 ©

For the initial Xcalibur W installation, a database and several user accounts with appropriate permissions must be created before starting Xcalibur W.

Refer to the database user manual for information on these processes.

User Accounts

Create two database user accounts:

  • wpadmin : maintenance/update account
  • wpweb : account for web interface and web services usage
  • (optional) wp3party: account for external tool usage

Assign the following privileges to the accounts:

  • wpadmin
    • ALL
  • wpweb
    • SELECT
    • UPDATE
    • INSERT
  • wp3party (if used)
    • SELECT

Note: Some databases assign users' privileges to a specific database or table. In this case, create the database first, and then create/assign the users.

Example :MySQL

1 CREATE USER 'wpadmin'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

Create the Database

Create a database called “wp_manager”, and then assign the “wpadmin” and “wpweb” users to the database.

Example :MySQL

1 CREATE DATABASE wp_manager;
2 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wp_manager.* TO 'wpadmin'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION;

Using a client application compatible with your database engine, verify that all accounts can connect to the database, and that the wpadmin user can create tables within the database.

Client application list:

  • PhpMyAdmin (MySQL)
  • MySQL Workbench (MySQL)
  • Microsoft Visual Studio (MySQL & SQL Server)
  • Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SQL Server)

When the steps above are complete, you are ready to configure Xcalibur W Server to connect to your database.

Connection String

Depending on the database in use, define the connection string (login/password/host:port/schema) as shown below:

First Launch of Xcalibur W Server

For the first launch and for maintenance operations (updates, etc.), temporarily re-allocate the connection string from the wpweb account to the wpadmin account. Then, restart the web server and/or the web site.

installation_guide/server_software_installation/manual_installation/creating_database.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/21 17:41 (external edit)